When the Editing Monster Strikes! | Rebecca Ethington

I kinda feel like a broken record when I say this… but I am going to say it anyway…

Did you know I published Kiss of Fire on a bet?

Yep, it’s true. My sister wanted to buy a copy, so I published it for her and my mom and it kind of exploded all on its own. And while I did publish on a bet, I did do my due diligence to make sure it was the best it could be – with my poor man resources of course. I had a good friend edit, a couple other friends beta read, etc… Which means….

Kiss of Fire has never been professionally edited.

Yep, you read that right. Never. I just couldn’t afford it. When I published Kiss of Fire our family was having to make the decision between shoes that fit and paying bills on time. UGH. For obvious reason, things like ‘editors’ weren’t very high up on my list as necessities. After all it was a book that wasn’t going to go anywhere… right?

Well it did, and I splurged and paid an editor to edit Eyes of Ember.

But I still get complaints about the editing, and they make me all gross and crabby inside. I read so many other books with so many editing mistakes that are never mentioned and I can’t help but get all third grade pouty about it. I wish I had the resources to pay the thousands of dollars for an editor that would make my work flawless – but I don’t.

Maybe someday I will – but right now… not so much…

Which is why I am asking for your help….

If you find an editing mistake PLEASE tell me about it. I can’t fix what I don’t know is there. Kiss of Fire has been gone over three times by two different editors, all volunteering there time. Eyes of Ember has been gone over three times, one paid and two volunteers. And there are still mistakes. 🙁

If you see any editing mistakes in any of my books please email me at contact at rebeccaethington dot com with the sentence that holds the problem and what you think the correction is along with your mailing address and I will send you some signed swag.

Yay! Swag!

I really want every book in the Imdalind series to be perfect and beautiful – but I can’t do it alone!

If you are interested in helping in other ways – please don’t hesitate to contact me! I’m not perfect after all, extremely awesome yes.. but perfect no…

That last part was a joke… kind of… 😉