What drives me, on the days that seem endless? Through the time when no words come? I suppose everyone has a reason that is different, and that is probably for the best. After all, if chocolate was everyone’s driving force we would run out, and then what would we do. Our chocolate obsessed bodies would shrivel up and die. And that would be incredibly unfortunate.

So, obviously, for me, I chose not to go the chocolate route. After all, if we were to run out I would be left in a rut with a terrible sugar deprived headache. And that would be a shame.

For me what drives me is my kids, my husband, the possibility of what to come. But mostly; these wonderful people right here:


My grandparents. They loved to read, owned a book store and only gave books for gifts. No joke. You could always count on a book from my grandparents. When the time came to break up there collection I walked away with enough books to open a bookstore, just from what was in their home.

So, I write for them, books that I hope they would love to read. And I hope you would love to read them too.