Monday Meet And Greet | Rebecca Ethington

Hello Everyone, and Welcome to my little corner of Cyber Space. My name is Rebecca Ethington and I am excited to be apart of this years GUTGAA. I am doing this nice little exercise as a foray into the writing world. Simply put, I’m new – to novels anyway. I have written quite a few children’s theatre scripts with my little two woman band ‘The Sisters Grimm’ and after going through every fairy tale and folk tale imaginable I am glad to be making my foray into an area where I can share some of my darker stories.

A little about me: I am a mother to two girls, foster mother to 2 boys (currently), I am the owner of Wishing Well Travel, and I am a bit of a performing nut. Now, don’t run away in terror, I have done more writing then performing as of late and if my performing has taught me anything its how to make a really amazing story. (Or at least a mediocre one). I have lived in my state my entire life, and just started this site to keep my writing stuff in one place so as to help with confidentiality laws with my ‘bonus’ kids. So please pardon my mess. 🙂

Questions for the Meet and Greet
-Where do you write? – At my computer, in my living room. It’s also where I work, so it is cluttered and always noisy around me. If I get lucky enough to write after the kiddo’s go to bed I am banned to the exquisitely comfortable chaise lounge with my laptop so my husband can watch Dr. Who or do school work.
-Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see? – Said Chaise Lounge that I get banned to, and a dirty window. There is also a toy piano and a Peter Pan pop up book there currently.
Favorite time to write? – Anytime I can squeeze it in. Currently I love the morning. I wake up about 5 a.m. grab some juice and can get in about 5,000 words before the kiddos get up at 7.
Drink of choice while writing? – Freshly Juiced fruits and veggies, it really gets the brain juices going!
-When writing , do you listen to music or do you need complete silence? – I do listen to music, but it also depends on whats going on in the house at the time. Sometimes I listen to Disney Music, Classical, Sesame Street, Kaze No Stigma…
What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it? – I am currently working on book two in my Dragon Fire Series as well as book on in my Into The Myst Series. All the stories I write come from the weirdest place, they are either stories I told my grandmother when I was younger, scripts I was never allowed to write. (Seriously, I have characters that get beaten and tortured – not very good material for children’s theatre). Very rarely its dreams. But, mostly its questions. What would happen if you didn’t age? I wonder what it would be like to live in Grand Central Station? What if your sister was kidnapped and you had to hire a thief to find her? My brain is bursting with ideas, sometimes I feel like I am going to explode.
-What’s your most valuable writing tip? Don’t be scared to share what you have done. Seriously. I am not the worlds greatest author. But I am a DAMN FINE story teller. I love to share my stories. But when I handed out those first three copies of Kiss Of Fire to my friends I thought they were all going to hate it. And they didn’t, so I sent it to someone to give me a good crit, and they liked it too – so did the next one. I may not have written a Jane Austen Masterpiece, but people have liked the story I am telling, and I hope they like all of them. Yes, I am going to run into a lot of people who hate it – but that’s life. If you let the fear of criticism turn you off, you will never know what could have been.
I can’t wait to  meet you all! So leave me a comment, so I know who has been here!
Deana Barnhart