Who is ready for some HUGE news | Rebecca Ethington

Okay, so I’ve been building up to this big exciting news for a few days now, and I hope you are all on pins and needles over it! Of course, now that I’ve built you up I’m all worried that you won’t think its all quite as awesome as I do…

So you better! (hehehe)

Now, I was going to do this as a Vlog (video Blog) but I woke up with Anime hair and by the time I exercised, showered, and tamed the mane it would be afternoon. So to spare you the crazy anime hair I am going to give you a pic of crazy anime hair….

And off we go! (just imagine me, with that hair – try not to laugh – I dare you!)

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT #1 – Scorched Treachery and Burnt Devotion are becoming one. They are merging together in an exceptionally creepy way to make one super book – and it’s going to be awesome. I know some of you are still rebelling over the change in POV – but it really does have to be done. And you aren’t going to loose out on too much of what you are looking for. And, best of all the last chapter of the Book 3 is back in Joclyn’s point of view and picks up only hours after Eyes of Ember ended. So, you are going to get what you are looking for, I promise you.

We are still on track to publish July 10th – but I will keep you up to date. It may get pushed back a week based on how fast my beta’s are. I will keep you up to date – but for now, keep counting down to July.

Also – the name will stay at Scorched Treachery – I am just going to cut Burt Devotion completely.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT #2 – I have started work on book one in the next series. I’m a little nervous to start work on it, but I need a break from Jos and Ry and Ilyan and Wyn for a month. I love them to death, but imagine feeling what you guys feel when reading the book 24/7 – I need a break. Especially before diving back into Jos, either that or I am going to be needing Anti-anxiety meds lol As of right now, I am still fully prepared to publish Soul of Flame in early December. I am still unsure as to if this will be the last book or not. But I vow to give you a better ending then Eyes of Ember. lol

Now, I’m not going to give you much info on the new series other then that the main characters name is Bryn, and she’s dead. The cover and title will be revealed in early June! Woo hoo! Publication tentatively set for October (which will be the one year anniversary of Kiss of Fire BTW)

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT #3 – It’s officially one year since I sat down at my computer and began work on Kiss of Fire. One year since the words “I remember my fifth birthday” were typed out. I can’t believe that it’s been a year. And I want to hold a GIANT giveaway to not only celebrate my one year anniversary – but also reaching 1000 fans on facebook (its sooooooo close) So share the page get us to 1000 likes. When we get to 1000 likes I will giveaway a nice prize pack that includes such yummies as hand written manuscript portions, signed posters, buttons, and maybe even a signed paperback.


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT #4 – I have been invited to my first ever Author Signing!! EEEEeeeeEEEE! I am so excited! On August 10th 2013 I will be in Stamford, Connecticut at the Stamford Author Event. I will get to sit at a table full of free swag, sign books, and whatever you throw at me, give out hugs and drink lots of Coke.

My attendance at this event has not been officially announced yet, so you guys are getting the news before anyone else!! (Insert Banana dance man here)

This event is going to be huge with 35 authors, and some of the names of who are coming will knock you out with a balloon  – you really don’t want to miss it!


And, best of all, IT’S FREE!! Yep, attendance at the Stamford Author Event is free to the public so now you REALLY don’t want to miss it. Plus, everyone who attends gets entered into a raffle for VIP tickets for an after event meet and greet with all the attending authors. Woot!

More details on this will be forth coming, and pre-orders for books of those attending the event will open up in about a month.

Well that’s all from me! I hope to see you in Stamford!

<a id=”rc-9722f5111″ href=”http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/9722f5111/” rel=”nofollow”>a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>