Rebecca Ethington | Rebecca Ethington - Part 30

Tuesday Teaser 9/24

SOUL OF FLAME COMES OUT IN 69 DAYS Okay, now that I have that off my chest I feel like we can move on with today’s Tuesday Teaser – and yes – it is from Soul of Flame. This book is coming along nicely. I mean just look at my progress bar! 89%...

I made a Vlog!

I know, I am shocked too – and while it wasn’t traumatizing making it – I am sure it may be traumatizing for you to watch. But… if its not, then I might just have to do this more often. 🙂 So, today we are talking a bit about Through Glass, a...

Through Glass is almost here!!

In June of 2013 I began writing a little story about a girl who gets trapped in her house. The story actually came to me while I was in the middle of finishing up Scorched Treachery. I was driving my daughters home from school and this song came onto the radio. I...

The Weekly Fist Bump

So, I am going to start a new feature – a once a week post in which I post cover reveals, specials, new releases and all around shout outs for all my fellow authors out there!! It’s a big world, and I love all my friends so much I want to be able to...