Ilyan answers some questions from his Team | Rebecca Ethington

While yesterday was Ryland’s turn to answer questions during Team Pride Week – Today was Ilyan’s… and boy did he deliver. I just love sending time with that guy… Both of them really.

Here is a quick recap:

  1. Pamela would like to know what you know that Jocelyn doesn’t? She keeps seeing a lot of “yet”…

Hello Pamela, what a wonderful question, and I can understand your confusion as the sights of the Drak can me. While sights are very concise about what happens they are not always clear, as was the case with what Sain received concerning my relationship with Joclyn. A bonding with Ryland was seen, but beyond that, not much was clear. An emotional relationship between Joclyn and I was also made very clear, and while a bonding was not shown, while a death may occur, I will hold to that image of her in my arm, what I believe to be our children and hope that one day that might be mine. So yes, yet seems a very appropriate word.

  1. Angie asks: “I can’t imagine Edmund raised him to be an honorable man. who raised him ? at what age did he “run away from home”? he’s mentioned that he was raised to lead his people and I’d like to know who raised him to have that royal blood?”

Ah, my dear Angie, you ask thing that I have told very few, not even Joclyn. I left home at a very young age, I hadn’t even met my twentieth decade at the time. And while to many that would consider me raised and grown, to my kind it was not. In that regard my Mother raised me from afar, the monks and priests of the religions of the world raised me. And in many ways, I grew and raised myself.

  1. Jessica Fernandez has a question She asks, Why did Ilyan wait all those years (16) to meet Joclyn? Why didn’t he meet her in earlier in life, before she could have fallen for Ryland?

The answer to this one is simple. I didn’t know of her existence. I knew the time was approaching when she would be born, but where and to who I did not know until Sain sought me out and told me of her. Of course, by that time, her bond with Ryland was in the beginning stages, something I would never hinder.

  1. Alright, I asked this one of Ryland yesterday, so it will be interesting to see if you have the same thoughts. ‘who do you think would be better for Jocelyn? Ilyan or Ryland…’

That is a choice only Joclyn can make. I hope you understand but it would be inappropriate of me to answer that, after all, this is not a competition.

  1. And last – just for fun – When you saw Joclyn for the first time, behind the school, before she got in the car with Ryland… what did you do?

Why, I threw Wyn on top of the roof of the school.

Now, if you are wondering about the throwing Wyn on the roof thing – don’t fret. It’s a deleated scene that I will be releasing later today. So, keep an eye out. 🙂