You know those days when you just don’t want to write… Don’t Give Up.

I read a study years ago that showed how writers who plow through their writers block not only can write about 75% of their normal pace, but that the quality of their work does not decrease. Ever since I read that, I have been a faithful practitioner of the ‘plow through’ method. And strangely, the quality of my work has never decreased – well not that anyone can tell any way.

By plowing through I have helped meet a crazy daily word count goal. People ask me how I make 3,000 words an hour – and honestly that how. I never give up and I plow on through!

But sometimes you never have a problem with writers block, sometimes your fingers ache, your brain doesn’t shut off and you long to go back and write write write.

And honestly, if the time is right – do it! There is no better way to get a great story out of your head then to follow those instincts and plow on through…

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go save Joclyn from a sticky situation….