So this last week has prompted quite a few changes in my house. First, my husband got a great promotion at work, the promotion is going to give us a lot more breathing room in our finances! Yay! I am probably more excited about this then I should be, but there are times I hate being poor lol

The next big change is that we have put all the school age kids back in public school. I will admit – Home School and I do not mesh – at all. It was bad, and after an hour long fit due to a math problem, I realized what it was doing to our house. So A went back to school happy as a clam and I just freed up 4 hours a day that I can devote to writing and my own school work.

I am beyond excited.

I am hoping to finish up my degree in about 18 months, as well as have the time to knock out all the Imdalind Series, within that time.


More excitement!

Yep, totally exciting. So, right now, I am watching Scooby Doo with my little one while I catch up on  blogs, facebook, and get some good editing in on Kiss of Fire.

Some changes are hard, but in the end they are totally worth it.