Banned Books – The Hunger Games | Rebecca Ethington

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, even new books can get banned. In this case, I think it is easy to see why. The dark matter in The Hunger Games certainly would be cause for banning. After all who would want to read a book about kids that have to kill each other and eventually rise up to overthrow their communists inspired, oppressionist government.

It seems to me that books tend to get banned when they don’t meet someone else’s agenda. And, if that someone else holds a bigger stick then you, expect that book to disappear at an alarming rate.

Just find a list of all the great banned books and you will see what I mean.

Banned against the government, banned for opposing ideals.

It makes sense.

It is truly unfortunate that people were unable to read books banned for reason beyond their control or were they…

In the movie ‘Down With Love’ the character Barbara Novak write a controversial book that gets banned and they have a nice sequence in which the book is smuggled around the world. I am sure that book smuggling doesn’t happen quite at this scale – but it still happens.

And probably for the best, too.

After all, some of the best books are the banned books. Of course it stands to reason that these books may not be quite as popular if they weren’t banned at some point.

I guess we will never know.