4,000 Likes Giveaway! | Rebecca Ethington

Well… it happened. Today I hit 4,000 likes on my facebook page! I am still kind of all flabergutrabultaed about (and yes, I have decided that is a word now)

I had been watching those numbers eek up for days and when I woke up this morning – there it was a four staring at me.

Which means its time to celebrate!!

And when I celebrate – I celebrate hard! You know what they say in Texas – go big or go home? Well in Utah we say ‘pass the fry sauce’ which is really lame for a giveaway. So today I am going to pretend I’m a Texan


That’s right I am giving away a Kindle Fire with over 100 e-book to load up on it! That is a lot of e-books, all on one kick-a Kindle Fire.

Now I know you are excited, and super ready to get on with is – so lets not wait…

Oh! And there is one more thing I forgot.

It wouldn’t be an extravaganza without


Rock on Party People!

a Rafflecopter giveaway